I'm happy to have one of my favourite pieces, made during the SIM residency, on the cover of Nils Frahm's new solo piano album. Here are the front + back covers, with Nils' evocative track titles. The album package/graphic designer, Torsten Posselt, studio FELD did a beautiful job integrating the artwork and all of the album components.
Nils timed the album release with his new world-wide holiday, Piano Day, and the vinyl and cd sales will go towards a fundraiser to build the Klavins M450, the world's tallest piano. Nils' 8 compositions were performed and recorded on a prototype of the piano. You can read all about the project on the Piano Day site. The album is also available as a free download from the Piano Day site. Nils Frahm "solo" is a beautiful set of compositions. Available on Erased Tapes. Enjoy!
You can keep up with Nils here.
And, we look forward to hearing him on the west coast again — check for concert listings near you!