

This past June, I participated in a month-long residency in Reykjavik Iceland, then spent a few weeks travelling south, then back home, travelling between BC and Saskatchewan. In the next few weeks, I'll update these pages with some of the work I completed at the residency. In the meantime, I chose this image from Marseille as one of my favourite photographs from my time away. The Vieux-Port in Marseille has been graced with a brilliant, reflective canopy and I really enjoyed tipping my camera sky-ward and waiting for just the right shadows to step into view. The experience was a bit like watching an abstract composition in constant and magical movement. I'm in this photograph too, the little inverted 'V' in the middle of the image.
After my return to Vancouver, I completed this oil monotype titled Traveller's Window. This piece is on exhibition in Split, Croatia for the Splitgraphic Biennial VI. The background is a bi-colour impression from a block of wood that's been lightly distressed and curiously textured by time, growth and insects. The panoramic format and the irregularly shaped bars of colour hugging the edges remind me of the glimpses one gets while travelling through. 