

new in the studio
Some quick snapshots of new paintings that I've been mulling over this spring and summer.


The working title for this one is Open. It's 20 x 24 inches, about a dozen layers of fine blue and grey glazes over the stack of colours and a blur of the colour stack, shifting to the right. The background is a softly textured white, with another texture for the "horizon" area.


This one is titled Sound II. It's 24 x 24 inches, acrylic on wood panel. I'm still planning a few more light layers. There are about 40 layers to this point. Small white squares float in the background and there's a subtle blur on the "horizon."


Cairo | 18.5 x 24 inches | acrylic on wood panel
Deep glaze layers, and a variety of different, subtle textures in each of the "grey" blocks. The grey block on the right is actually a view through to the background.
Bits of plum-coloured underpainting open up from the bottom glaze layers.


Sender | 16 x 20 | acrylic on wood panel
I was thinking of a palimsest of marks and shapes with this painting. It is a soft, sage green, with a hint of texture from well below the glazes...a semi-circular form underneath on the right hand side and oblong ovoids on the left, resting beneath the colour blocks.


Threefold | 12 x 12 inches | acrylic on wood panel
An overall sense of texture in the blue/grey background. Balancing bar of cerulean blue on the left hand edge. Crackle forms under the colour blocks.