Recipes + Stuff
Over the years I've received some interesting recipes for grounds and mediums. I keep meaning to try them, and posting them might spur me on. And maybe someone else can give them a whirl and let me know the results.
Here's the first recipe, one for Paste Papers, passed on to me by Tara Bryan, an artist who lives and works in St. John's Nfld. In addition to painting, Tara creates artist books. She often uses Paste Papers in her books. Here is the recipe, just as Tara wrote it:
Cook up some wheat paste and mix it with a bit of acrylic paint. I use yogurt cups to mix in. The acrylic binder makes the surface pretty permanent, and you can brush the colour on and scrape it off or just paint it on. It's LOTS of fun, but you need a drying rack or lots of drying space because it's fast and addictive! I cut plastic coffee can lids into quarters, then cut the point off to make a flat surface that can be made into different "combs" to scrape paste away. Try it, you'll like it! You can use white drawing paper. In schools I have used 11 x 17 copier paper. As long as the paper will stay together wet, it will work.
view of Tara's book "An Angel Takes My Hand"
Unique (1 of 1) artists book. Paste papers, shipping tags, hand-written text by artist
with quotations by famous artists on tags, 5 3/4" x 5 1/4" x 3/8" closed. 1997